Specialist Tech Recruiters in the Fintech, Banking & Digital Asset space.
We’re specialists in the Fintech, Banking & Digital Asset Recruitment space - full-time and contract. That’s our niche and it’s where we shine.
We named our business a ‘Network’ to differentiate ourselves from the transactional type of recruiters we know so well.
Ours is a two-way approach, where we work tirelessly for both our hiring managers and our candidates to deliver the best possible outcomes.
Yet, we never stop learning. With the pace of change sweeping the technology, finance and banking industries, the day you stop learning is the day you lose your edge.
Current market hiring trends
Where you are likely to source candidates from
Best methods of attracting the strongest candidates
What you're likely to have to pay; salary info, current rate cards
Introductions to both active and passive candidates
Choosing the Right Agency
We are acutely aware that hiring the right person can be a complex and time-consuming exercise.
As a starting point, we will work to understand your requirements from the viewpoint of business needs, goals, pains, team dynamics and work culture.
Founding clients are still today’s clients - a testament to our true and honest approach to recruitment and mantra that a long-term relationship is more valuable than a quick short- term deal.
We know our clients, we know our niche, we understand your requirements and we know our candidates – and we know when the fit will be right between them.
Connecting the right candidate with the right client, time and time again… through our Network…. that’s our secret sauce.
That’s what makes The Argyle Network.